我们的目标是让我们的管道和能源设施每天安全运行,让公众, 我们的员工和环境不会受到涉及我们资产的事件的影响. 安全是,也将永远是我们的第一价值观.
目标是在三个国家的数百个设施中实现零安全事故, 做好准备需要团队合作, 协调和有效的应对计划. 作为计划的一部分, 2020年,我们在整个网络中开展了170次应急管理项目演练. These simulations allowed our own personnel to work with local first-responders to hone our skills and develop communications protocols in the unlikely event of a serious incident.
These exercises play a key role in developing strong relationships within our communities while helping us both to gain an understanding of each other’s roles and responsibilities.
Gerry Demeules
Kapuskasing的消防队长Gerry Demeules谈到了与TC Energy的合作
你是急救员吗? 下载这些重要指引,了解更多有关本署运作的安全规程.
我们相信任何事故都是可以预防的,并不断朝着实现零安全事故的目标努力. 虽然事故很少发生, 做好安全快速的反应准备是我们全年训练的内容.
我们的首要任务永远是公众的安全, 地主, 在第一时间作出回应, 员工、承包商和环境. 我们强有力的应急计划侧重于迅速有效地应对紧急情况, 减轻可能对公共安全造成的影响, 及时保护财产或环境.
虽然我们在制定应急响应计划期间咨询了应急服务, we also encourage communities to review these documents if they are interested in better understanding the TC Energy Emergency Management Program.
为了访问应急响应计划,需要提供一些基本信息. Your information will not be used for any business purpose beyond allowing us to understand the groups who have an interest in our EMergency Management Program or providing the information to our regulators (i.e.(国家能源局),如有需要. 在任何时候, those who are granted access to your personal information at Trans加拿大 will operate in accordance with the Trans加拿大 隐私 Policy and applicable laws.
点击这个框, 您承认在本网站发布的计划仅供查看和了解. 这些平面图是Trans加拿大公司的财产,第三方不得使用. 为了保证横加公司的安全,这些文件中的有限信息已被编辑, 它的资产和员工以及环境.
我们正在进行的计划维护和管道完整性管理计划包括定期维护, 例行空中巡逻, 地面调查, 阴极防腐蚀保护, 由训练有素的操作员24小时监控,并使用智能猪等设备进行内部检查.
每年, 我们在完整性和预防性维护计划上花费了数亿美元,以确保安全, 我们系统的可靠运行.
我们通过集中的高科技控制中心监控我们的管道系统, 一天24小时, 一年365天. Our Control Centres have highly specialized staff that run our liquids and gas pipeline networks and ensure the systems are operating as they are designed to.
作为额外的预防措施, our oil control centre has a leak detection specialist who is fully dedicated to looking for signs of a leak or an issue with how the pipeline is operating.
控制中心24小时监控管道, 一年365天,确保它们安全高效地运行. 控制中心包括一个操作控制系统, 一个泄漏检测系统和一个卫星通信网络.
我们最先进的监控和数据采集(SCADA)系统和我们专业的漏油检测系统, along with elevated safety features and specialized staff training employed on our oil and gas pipelines make us confident leaks can be quickly identified and responded to. 这些功能包括:
- Technology capable of isolating sections of our pipeline and then remotely closing the required valves on the systems within minutes from our Control Centres.
- Around-the-clock monitoring of pipeline 操作 by highly trained staff that are expected to shut down the pipeline at the first sign of a problem until the cause of the alarm is determined.
- A highly automated system of pipelines that includes thousands of data sensors and emergency shut-off valves to effectively minimize the amount to product released.
- Real time information on pipeline operating conditions that is transmitted via satellite every few seconds from thousands of data points to our 操作 Control Centres.
- An essential requirement that all possible problems be investigated immediately by pipeline controllers and on-the-ground field staff. 在为了调查异常而关闭管道之后, that pipeline cannot be re-started until the cause has been identified and the 操作 personnel have confirmed it is safe to do so.
We would respond immediately by shutting down and isolating the pipeline systems and/or shutting down the pump or compressor stations and dispatching emergency response personnel. The main focus of the initial response would be to stop operating the pump or compressor units in order to reduce the flow through that particular segment of pipe and then close isolation valves in the vicinity of the leak to limit its impact.
在非常不可能发生泄漏的情况下, our company would take full responsibility for the emergency response and cleanup for as long as we own and operate the pipeline.
我们创建 紧急应变计划 对于我们系统中的每个管道和项目. 这些计划必须在管道投入运营之前到位. 虽然计划可能因项目和社区需要而有所不同, 计划的基本要素包括危险识别, 通知和应对策略,以确保TC能源人员能够在紧急情况下有效应对.
我们所有的 紧急应变计划 是通过具体的项目和我们运营所在社区的详细和全面的计划来发展的吗. This includes gathering necessary and important feedback from local communities and emergency responders during the planning stages.
我们有应急人员,每周7天,每天24小时随叫随到. 这些紧急响应人员由专门从事紧急响应的雇员和合同人员组成. 当地警察和消防部门可能会参与保护公众,并确保我们的工作人员能够安全工作.
是的,我们公司提供应对管道事故的意识培训. 我们将开展业务的社区视为应急响应伙伴. 我们在持续的基础上与这些利益相关者合作, 邀请他们参加演习和训练. TC Energy does not expect volunteer or dedicated local fire departments to have the equipment or specific experience needed to respond to a leak or rupture.
在任何情况下, 我们对我们拥有和运营的任何管道的紧急响应和清理承担全部责任.